Sunil Gavaskar, a former captain of India and renowned batter, stated on Thursday that Rohit Sharma is an underestimated captain in the Indian Premier League and doesn't receive as much respect for leadership as MS Dhoni does. Gavaskar emphasised how the India skipper planned the Lucknow Super Giants' defeat in the IPL 2023 Eliminator, saying that some of Rohit's on-field choices that help Mumbai succeed have already been discussed sufficiently.
Sunil Gavaskar emphasised how Rohit Sharma dismissed Ayush Badoni and Nicholas Pooran in the same over of LSG's chase by using Akash Madhwal, noting that the captain's'suggested' shift in angle was not mentioned at length. Nehal Wadhera was used as an Impact Substitute in the first innings of the Eliminator match against LSG, according to Sunil Gavaskar, who noted that most teams who bat first tend to employ a bowler as the Impact Player.